FeedBack/Parent Section
Message from Mr C.L. Thakur , Chairman of Hill Computer Institute.
In an effort to deliver our best and constantly improve our performance, we believe
in exchanging views between all the members of our family, both external and internal.
As a step towards this, we would appreciate any complaints/feedback /suggestion
or views from one and all.
Kindly help us to serve you better and learn from our interaction with you. This
is a direct & confidential email to me only, if you have any complaint against anyone
or against any other services or any Suggestions then fill this form.
Anyone emailing to me would have to disclose his or her identity for me to help
you, the complaint should not be false in nature and has to be supported by adequate
evidence where possible.
I will try my best to help you, and make our organization a better one by incorporating
your suggestions.
Mr C.L. Thakur
Hill Computer Institute
Please fill the following details